Exchange Programs

UTCC has over 100+ universities partners across the globe giving our students access to world class education and an opportunity to make friends from different parts of the world. From the wide range of partnerships we have, every year UTCC students have the option to select one partner university to go on exchange. At the same time, every year we host incoming exchange students to come and experience life in Thailand. Studying with incoming exchange students is an enriching experience for our students to learn and to share culture.

List of the partners
Hanze University of Applied Sciences, Netherlands
Rotterdam Business School, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Rennes Business School, Rennes, France
Senshu University, Japan
Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, South Korea
Oslo Business School, Norway
South Westphalia University, Germany
College de Paris, France
Binus University, Jakarta, Indonesia
University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, Netherlands
Chungnam National University, South Korea
For more details, please contact our team